Commission: Her Name is Corn

Sam, This is where you can see your updates of the work in progress.  I am working on a 20" x 24" (I upsized it for you - if you would rather have  it smaller that can work).  I will also build a wood frame around the piece once finished.  I still havent received first payment, so I will need that to get started.  You can post comments on the progress directly on to this page.  It is also password protected until commission is finished and it is okay for me to show it.  Thanks again.

Owl commission Image 1

This is the first night working on it.  It always look rough when I start.  I will add the blues and hints of yellows in the rays coming from the owl.  I have a place to put the corn, but I was wondering if you think it will work by having the owl holding onto the text "corn" written in the cursive graph-ish style.  Claws would hang over the text.  Probably next update will be almost finished. - TINDEL

Tindel Owl Commission

Next update!  Background on and looking fresh.  Slight black shadow around owl is awesome.  Will be painting in the owl and the corn next... then varnish and done. - TINDEL

tindel owl commission

This is very close to being done...  adding a few shadows and touches then varnishing.  The picture is taken on my cell phone, so the image is not the best resolution.  Let me know what time later today you wanted to pick it up.  I will be available after 1pm.  Looks awesome.

FINAL PIECE (before I added frame and wrapped with tweety bird christmas paper)

Thanks again and I hope she enjoys it. - TINDEL


Exhibit: The Consent of Dreams


Artwork: New Commission "On the Tracks"