Local Search App

Google searches for everything.
YP® finds local.

YP® created an amazing app when they rebranded and became a digital powerhouse. The Creative life was tasked with coming up with a new look for the app and to surface some of the most used features in a minimal clean UI.

Two concepts were pitched to explore two directions in UX.

John Tindel

John Tindel’s unique artwork has filled the city of Atlanta and beyond. An early pioneer of the Atlanta art scene and suffering from what he calls “Obsessive Creative Disorder,” Tindel’s work comments on Southern culture with unique imagery and wit.

A transformative creative force, providing an influx of ideas, culture, and leadership to any project. The Imagination Bureau LLC and Tindel excel at the intersection of business strategy, collaboration, and creativity. Steady creative leadership.


Prissy Tomboy Brand Identity


Art Direction for App Video Series